Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How to Determine a Teens Recommended Caloric Intake

I know I need to eat calories, but how much?

Gender isn't something you can change
Because not everyone is the same, there are certain factors that are contributed into how much calories you should have in a day. Some of these factors are the way your built, activity level, gender, and age. While we are teenagers, we tend to grow more so it is important that we get enough calories in our diet to giving us enough energy to grow. Your gender, age, and the way your built is something that you can't change...but your activity level is something that you can change.

Although everyone isn't the same, the "general" recommended intake is 2,500 to 2,800 calories a day for boys and 2,200calories a day for girls.

Check how much calories YOU should be eating

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