Carbs? Proteins? Fat? What are those?
Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are all macronutrients-essential elements that your body needs for it to start and continue growing. Carbohydrates are needed for many things, considering that it is our body's main source of energy. Your body changes carbohydrates into glucose when it is then transports all parts of our body like tissues and organs to be used as energy. When there is extra sugar it is then stored in the muscles and liver. The daily recommendation intake is 45-65% of carb calories. Carbohydrates can be complex and simple. simple carbs are found in fruits, vegetables, and milk products. Complex carbohydrates can be found in starchy foods like bread and cereal. Usually food with complex carbohydrates are a good source of fiber which is also important for your body.
Proteins is a important part of our bodies. It is a key element to your hair, nails, eyes, but most importantly, to your brain and heart. It is also used to maintain bones, skin and muscles. Without protein, we wouldn't have healthy blood cells. For proteins, the daily recommended intake is 10-35% protein calories. You also need protein for growth,repairing damaged tissue, helping your immune system function better, and much more. Surprisingly, there are a lot of foods with protein in it. Soy products, beef, pork, fish, and even beans! By eating these types of food, our body then breaks it down into amino acids, which then can be used in the body! Eating meat and other animal products are good for your body because they have all of the amino acids that your body can't make. You should eat protein everyday because your body doesn't store proteins like it does with sugar or fat.
Fat is also an important nutrient for our body. Now days, people think having fat is a bad thing but in really, it isn't! It helps keeps our body's in perfect condition! However this doesn't mean you should go and eat fatty and greasy foods; too much fat is not good and there are bad fats And good fats. The daily recommended intake is 20-35% fat calories. Fat is a major energy source for the body and it also helps your body absorb vitamins. Fats helps your body feel full and it is an important source for calories and nutrients for babies. Fats also is a big part of your cholesterol levels.
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